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Preparing for An Open Home Viewing

We love our open home days. After months of meticulous planning and construction we get the opportunity to showcase the final product and proudly present our homes. As a potential buyer though, we understand that sometimes open home viewings can cause the mind to run a little wild! It’s easy to get overloaded with information or carried away with inspiration and ideas.

So, if you are planning a visit to our open homes this weekend, we have compiled a couple helpful tips to help lower the distractions and make your visit a productive one.

Plan Your Budget In Advance

Budgeting isn’t exactly the most thrilling aspect of buying a new home but it is one of the most important considerations. Be realistic about your expectations and have a clear idea of what mortgage repayments you can comfortably afford. ASIC’s MoneySmart recommends that you consider all additional costs such as stamp duty and legal costs, as well as ongoing costs such as insurance and council rates.

Having a clearly defined budget will make the buying process much easier from the start.


As they say, location is everything. You will not just be buying a home but your family will be buying into its community as well. Get familiar with the local area and its notable landmarks; such as schools, shopping centres, parks, hospitals and public transport options.

On a slightly smaller scale, you may even what to consider the estate plan layout and orientation of the home lot. Having a home that is well orientated will make for more comfortable living and could have certain cost-reducing benefits, by reducing the need for heating or cooling.

Once a budget has been set, you can begin the process of shortlisting your new home or Home & Land Package options. If you are a first home buyer, you should check your eligibility for the First Home Owners Grant.

If you are planning a visit to our sales office, you can view our Floorplans and Home & Land Packages offerings in advance.

Consider Your Needs

Create a checklist and define what your minimum requirements are for a new home. Think about how long you plan to live in this home – contemplate on what your future lifestyle may be and decide if this home can accommodate your means both in the short and long term. Remember, your first home may not necessarily be your “forever home.”

This is a good time to ask questions such as; is the location suitable for your family? Will you need any additional rooms or spaces, such as kid’s activity room, hobby room or office? Are there any special features or stylistic choices that you deem necessary?

Take the time to also note any information that you may need to know either about the buying or building process. Write down any questions that you may have, so they won’t be forgotten on the day.

During Your Visit

While visiting the home, use this time to document important notes. Take photos of any particular features that you like; record any thoughts or ideas that come to you and keep compiling a list of questions to ask. These photos and notes will be useful to refer back to at a later point. You can compare these notes to your checklist to help decide how suitable the home may be.

When you walk through the home, reflect on the floorplan and how it will suit your lifestyle. Try to map out how you would utilise each room – if you already own furniture, consider how it will fit in the space. Practical details, such as storage space, may not immediately come to mind but they will be sorely missed if they are overlooked. Take the time to picture exactly how your family would live daily life in this home.

Ask Questions

We always have our friendly agent Karl attending to the open homes and he can gladly field your questions. Take the time to have a chat and discuss any queries that you may have gathered along the way

Regroup & Regather

After the visit, your head may be slightly spinning with information overload, so take the time to debrief and compare all your notes. If you visited the home with family or others, have a conversation and discuss everyone’s input and perspectives. This may bring up new considerations or questions that were previously overlooked. Try to do this promptly, while the visit is still fresh in everyone’s minds.

By this point you may be thinking that a return visit is in order. A second visit can help clarify your thoughts and often comes without the previous excitements and distractions that an open home viewing can bring. If that is the case, contact your Sales Agent and enquire about a private inspection.

Don’t forget to check our website here for more information on our latest opening home times. Or you can contact us on 1300 244 644 or

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